Valentine’s Day one needs to have good memories.
I remember when I was younger and it was Valentine’s day I didn’t have a boyfriend as I wasn’t allowed, I was too young to have a boyfriend. My parents’ believed I had to be a certain age but I would still celebrate this special day. I remember the time I came home and my dad had bought me a red rose and I was so happy. Also the time my friend Becky and I received a rose, one white and one Red from our school friend Shaun I received the white. I am 28 now and it may seem weird but Valentine’s is still important to me, not necessarily meaning that I have to be with the man I love or spend lots of money on cards etc. At present that is not possible for me as I am single but I still spend it with the people who mean the most to me. I like to do this generally however not just on Valentine’s day like my birthday last year when I went to Go Ape.
The other evening I had Antoine dancing with me in my room and he made me smile more than I had in a long time. He told me that he loved me, three little words that mean so much that I can say to him without hesitation. It’s the innocence of it all, the love between a parent and child is unconditional and it’s when it is love between two adults that it can become scary… Sometimes people use love as a weapon, the last person who said they loved me lied about his life, this can make you hesitant but you can always evict negative people from your life. I hope that this Valentine’s day, you are surrounded with people that love you and you love them. I may just be with my son, family and friends but there is no place I would rather be than with them, the people that love me. x